Basketball Game (Away – DIS)
The AAIA boy basketball team beat their opponent team at the buzzer and scored their first win of the semester. AAIA was off to a great start and please stay tuned for the double-header away game on Thursday. AAIA男子籃球隊於昨天以一記決勝壓哨球贏得本學期的第一場球賽。相信此次反敗為勝的經驗為孩子們的士氣帶來莫大的激勵,也期許未來籃球隊能再創佳績。 敬請大家別錯過本週四AAIA男子和女子籃球隊與TPCA卓越大學先修學院的客座比賽!

新北市華美國際美國學校辦理107年度教育部國民及學前教育署「國民中小學教職員工課稅配套方案之補助外國僑民學校及附設幼兒園設備申購(資本門)-筆記型電腦採購」招標案 內 容︰ 新北市華美國際美國學校辦理107年度教育部國民及學前教育署「國民中小學教職員工課稅配套方案之補助外國僑民學校及附設幼兒園設備申購(資本門)-筆記型電腦採購」招標案 內容:新北美國學校筆記型電腦採購招標案 案號:2018111401 採購單位:總務處 地址:新北市文化北路一段542巷37弄23號 招商日期:107年11月14日至107年11月28日下午17時止。 採購方式:公開招標採最有利標 規格:請至本校總務處領取。 廠商資格: 1. 營業項目內列有與本案相關者 2. 需附公司營利事業登記證影本 3. 報價單請蓋公司大小印章及加註日期 聯絡人:庶務組長 電話:(02)2606-9030轉150 傳真:(02)2606-9033 投標方式:請於信封加註本案案號,信封加印彌封後,親送或郵寄至本校總務處庶務組。 截止收件期限:107年11月27日下午17時止。 履約地點:新北市文化北路一段542巷37弄23號
2018-19 Spirit Week

Day 1 – Pajamas Day! AAIA精神週的第一天,今日服裝主題是睡衣! Day 2 – Color Day! AAIA精神週的第二天,今日服裝主題是顏色! Day 3 – Halloween! AAIA精神週的第三天,萬聖節!! Day 4 – Twin Day! AAIA精神週的第四天 – 雙胞胎日! Day 5 – Hoodie Day! AAIA精神週的第五天 – 帽T日!
2018 NASA Hackathon

Last weekend, the students of Innovation Club attended NASA International Space Apps Challenge 2018, an international hackathon that takes place over the course of 48 hours in cities around the world. The students provided solutions to solve issues in topics such as space exploration, Hubble telescope, and disaster prevention. AAIA teams were the only high […]
VEX Robotics Competition

AAIA’s VEX Robotics team participated in their first major competition at the 2018-2019 VEX Tournament. Throughout the competition, the team adjusted to challenges in innovative ways and won the prestigious Think Award. AAIA is proud of the long hours Mr. Argueta, students, and their parents have put into to make this club a huge success! […]
College Visits – Georgia State University & Temple University

The season of college visits was coming to an end at AAIA as Georgia State and Temple University representatives gave AAIA students an inside view at their academic programs and student life. In addition, Temple offers an exciting opportunity for those interested in studying in Japan as they have a complete campus with full programs […]
November Birthday Celebration

Today is the celebration for November Birthdays! 今天是11月壽星的慶生會!
Blockchain Presentation

AAIA's first student-led speech was a success featuring our G12 student, Christina Lee’s well-prepared presentation on how blockchain can be linked with Corporate Social Responsibility, and our guest Speaker, Colin Cheng’s fascinating speech delving into the potential of this uprising technology. AAIA has always been dedicated in providing a wholesome learning environment for our students; […]
Bo Le Associates AI x CSR Competition

AAIA’s students – Wilson Chiu, Winny Peng, and Alvin Yao – along with the guidance from Mr. Fuang and Mr. Argueta, attended the first annual Bo Le Associates AI x CSR Competition and advanced to the top 10 finalists as the only high school team attending. The AI x CSR Competition is a entrepreneur competition […]
CNN News Anchor Speaker – Sachi Koto

On October 9, AAIA had the pleasure of hosting CNN News Anchor Ms. Sachi Koto as she delivered an empowering historical view of adapting to challenging cultures while still finding your own identity. She also offered insightful advice on pursuing a career in journalism. Our high school students, especially those in the Speech & Writing […]
G8 US History Colonial Fair

Students of Grade 8 US History worked in pairs/triads to research one of the original 13 British colonies in the Americas. Students created decorative displays and brought different props and food items to demonstrate what life was like in their colony at The Colonial Fair last week. All teachers and students were also invited to […]
2018 Fall 1st CCR Workshop & PTA Meeting

This year’s first CCR Workshop: “How to Find the Right College” exposed common misconceptions while promoting positive ways to discover a variety of “right fit” colleges. Special thanks to all of the students and parents who participated. Our next CCR Workshop will be on 11.28. Following the CCR Workshop, the PTA held a meeting where […]