AAIA teaches more than academic facts and skills. The Expected Schoolwide Learning Outcomes are life skills that AAIA instills in students to help them succeed in life and contribute to making the world a better place.

All AAIA students demonstrate:

​Critical Thinking and Problem Solving:

  • Students who create, support ideas with facts, solve problems, analyze, and evaluate.

Effective Communication:

  • Students who introduce and discuss ideas, establish style, and present, explain, and define information.

Active Learning:

  • Students who independently conduct research, reflect on learning, and publish their work for review by others.

​Global Awareness:

  • Students who accept and learn from other cultures, support, assist, and help others.

High Character:

  • Students who make positive choices based on honesty and integrity, persevere to reach goals, and are are accountable for their actions.
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