AAIA’s high school schedule consists of four 85-minute blocks per day on a rotating schedule, affording each student with up to eight courses per year. This permits students to explore a variety of subjects and challenge themselves with AP classes as early as 10th grade while still permitting time for study halls and office aid service in 11th and 12th grade. As a student-centered school, AAIA reviews its high school elective course offerings annually to ensure that students are challenged and also offered courses within their intended fields of study and interest.
A core component of our high school curriculum is built upon students succeeding in Advanced Placement courses. Students enrolled in AP courses receive college-level content and are assessed annually in May by the respective College Board issued examination. As AAIA caters and adapts to each individual student, our AP course offering evolve each year to meet their needs and interests and include English Language Arts, History, Fine & Performing Arts, Mathematics, and Science.
High School Graduation Requirements
High school students in grades 9 through 12 work towards earning a specific number of graduation credits each year. Each course is worth one credit. Students must pass each course in order to obtain credit. These requirements were established in order to meet California’s minimum graduation requirements as well as match industry leading international schools in order to better prepare our students for entrance into respected colleges and universities.