About the Campus

New Taipei City is Taiwan’s largest municipality; many professional Taiwanese citizens and foreign expatriates work and live in New Taipei City. It is bewildering then to see that up until now that there has been no international or American school available to this large population. Parents of New Taipei school-aged children who possess a foreign passport and would like to send their youth(s) to a private international or American curriculum school have had to rely on options in central Taipei City. In the past few years, the number of foreign passport holding international school students in Taipei has reached saturation, and many New Taipei City parents are finding their children set aside and placed on wait lists.

School founder Allan Liang sought to address this lack of educational opportunity amongst New Taipei City residents and began coordination with the Ministry of Education, and the New Taipei City Bureau of Education. In November to 2014 the school was granted and founding license and approval to move forward on planning the construction of New Taipei City’s first international American curriculum school Asia American International Academy (AAIA).

After filing future school enrollment, AAIA address the new Taipei professional expatriate children’s education needs, enhance outstanding professional expatriates to settle in the willingness to work the new Taipei, and actively strive to integrate international education resources, to set up a perfect example of a beautiful alien School Construction New Taipei City can improve education platform and learning of English international culture, the development of more high-quality international cultural education.

AAIA seeks to prepare students for post-secondary overseas studies. The school will offer career guidance to this end and provide a complete internal mechanism to assist students in successfully completing the application process for first-class universities in the United States of America and Canada.

新北美國學校(全名為新北市華美國際美國學校,英文全名為New Taipei City Asia American International Academy,英文簡稱 AAIA)是新北市第一所外僑學校,經美國在台協會(AIT)公文函轉至中華民國外交部,由新北市政府教育局核准立案。AAIA提供六至十二年級學生嚴謹的全方位美式教學,課程內容注重互動且引人入勝。我們對教育的觀點並非僅僅將知識灌注給學生,而是燃起學生對於求知的渴望。教師們的職責是幫助學生們充分發揮潛能,學習「學習」的方法。課程安排的重點在於學生的技能發展,透過年級導師的指導及教學策略,協助學生提升邏輯思考、溝通、合作與創造能力等堅實的學習基礎。透過課程讓學生探索未知與獲取新知,並將所學應用在生活之中。


為了養成良好的學習習慣,學校按照一致的時間表安排核心科目 (兩門英語語言課程、數學、科學及社會)。此外,學生將於下午時段接觸各種課程,如藝術、電腦程式語言、音樂、體育、集會及自選社團。


除品德教育外,學校的教學注重學生差異與思辯教育,以學生特長為依據,加強邏輯與寫作訓練。更著重與美國高等教育的銜接,使學生畢業後,能順利申請美國一流大學。歷屆榜單包含美國史丹佛大學、西北大學、加州大學柏克萊分校,柏克利音樂學院、帕森、普萊特、羅德島設計學院及瑞格林藝術與設計學院等知名大學。 2024年申請全球、全美百大的畢業生,超過9成錄取前50大。


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