CNN News Anchor Speaker – Sachi Koto

On October 9, AAIA had the pleasure of hosting CNN News Anchor Ms. Sachi Koto as she delivered an empowering historical view of adapting to challenging cultures while still finding your own identity. She also offered insightful advice on pursuing a career in journalism. Our high school students, especially those in the Speech & Writing program thoroughly enjoyed her compelling speech. Special thanks to Ms. Koto and one of our high school families for bringing this experience to our school.

AAIA很榮幸地邀請到前CNN主播Ms. Sachi Koto來到學校與學生們分享她個人的成長經歷以及如何在滿是衝擊與挑戰的大環境中歷練、茁壯並確立自我價值。講座中她也給予對新聞工作領域有興趣的學生許多寶貴建言。此次講座令高中演說寫作班的學生們受益良多。非常感謝Ms. Koto的分享及本校的家長協助策劃本次演說。

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