Bo Le Associates AI x CSR Competition

AAIA’s students – Wilson Chiu, Winny Peng, and Alvin Yao – along with the guidance from Mr. Fuang and Mr. Argueta, attended the first annual Bo Le Associates AI x CSR Competition and advanced to the top 10 finalists as the only high school team attending. The AI x CSR Competition is a entrepreneur competition hosted by Bo Le Associates that challenges contestants to utilize artificial intelligence in order to help companies achieve corporate social responsibilities.This experience is sure to benefit our students in the pursuit of innovation and entrepreneurship.

AAIA學生(Wilson, Winny and Alvin)與兩位指導老師(Mr. Fuang和Mr. Argueta)於10月中參加了AI x CSR人文智慧競賽,賽程中以最年輕的隊伍之姿脫穎而出進入了決賽前10強。此活動由伯樂亞太管理顧問公司主辦,為台灣首次將AI人工智慧結合CSR企業並倡導社會責任的競賽。我們期許學生們能透過這次參賽經驗體會到新創與耕耘的樂趣,在創業的路上精彩啟程。

網站設計: 雲橙工作室