AAIA’s VEX Robotics team participated in their first major competition at the 2018-2019 VEX Tournament. Throughout the competition, the team adjusted to challenges in innovative ways and won the prestigious Think Award. AAIA is proud of the long hours Mr. Argueta, students, and their parents have put into to make this club a huge success!
AAIA VEX機器人社團於星期日(10/21)報隊參加2018-19機器人大賽。在比賽過程中,學生們以創新的想法解決問題、迎接挑戰並贏得獎項。AAIA為學生們的佳績感到十分驕傲,也感謝所有參賽的學生、支持他們的家長以及Mr. Argueta於籌備賽事期間的付出。
Participated Students 參賽學生:
G10 Henry Chen
G10 Nathan Liu
G10 Oscar Ning
G9 Albert Zhang
G9 Darren Yen
G9 Ethan Wang
G9 Samuel Hsieh
G8 Victor Wang
G7 Hugo Chiang
G7 Veronica Chen
Photo Credits: Parents