On February 20 and 21, twelve students from AAIA traveled to Hsinchu to participate in the PASMUN conference. Representing the nations of Argentina, Belgium, the Netherlands, and New Zealand, students debated global issues such as the economic recovery from COVID, human rights of refugees, tensions in the Taiwan Strait, and reducing trade barriers to increase free trade. In addition, senior Nicole Wu co-chaired the Youth Action Committee. In total AAIA students raised 21 Points of Information, gave nine speeches, and proposed 3 amendments.

2月20、21日,AAIA的模擬聯合國社團的12 名學生前往新竹參加PASMUN。這場模擬賽中,我們的學生代表了阿根廷、比利時、荷蘭及紐西蘭參與辯論。此次辯論的題目包含COVID-19後經濟復甦、加強擴展自由貿易、難民人權以及兩岸局勢。除此之外,Nicole Wu更勝任Youth Action Committee的主席之一。整個會議,AAIA學生提出了21論點、9場演講及3份修正案。

See AAIA’s Facebook for more photos


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