Anti-drug Seminar

On February 24th, AAIA had the distinguished honor to invite Mr. Andrew J. Malanga from the CTBC Anti-Drug Educational Foundation to give a seminar on Anti-drug to our Grade 11 and 12 students. This educational seminar had three folds: knowing the different types of drugs, understanding addictions, and learning the negative effects and consequences of drug use.

Mr. Malanga, a former DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) agent, used his past experiences and real cases as examples to illustrate some of the detrimental outcomes of drug use. By drawing from his real experiences combating drugs as a DEA agent, he also talked about drug-use prevention so students have the tools to step away from these situations.

AAIA continues to build a healthy community where students can flourish and grow. As the seniors are getting ready to graduate, it is paramount to give them the knowledge and tools so they are able to stay safe.

Once again, AAIA is very grateful for Mr. Malanga’s educational and interactive seminar. Thanks to CTBC Anti-Drug Educational Foundation for helping to equip our students with the proper knowledge to say NO to drugs.

AAIA於2月24日舉辦反毒知能講座,特別邀請「中國信託反毒教育基金會」資深業務顧問–Andrew J. Malanga前來進行專題演講,讓高中學生認知何謂毒品,並提供學生成為反毒的重要觀念及策略,遠離毒品的誘惑及傷害。

Andrew J. Malanga曾任職於美國緝毒局(Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA),藉由分享實際打擊毒品犯罪之經驗,講述毒品使用契機,使用後造成身體之危害,以及校園生活可能面臨之誘惑情境,同時也告知各國對於持有或使用毒品之法律刑責,意在教導學生培養正確決解及抗拒使用毒品之策略方法。

AAIA致力於學生健康促進,冀希讓校園成為學生健康成長之友善環境。再次感謝「中國信託反毒教育基金會」資深業務顧問–Andrew J. Malanga精闢生動之演講,讓學生學習毒品危害及面對毒品誘惑勇敢說不。

See AAIA’s Facebook for more photos


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