Middle School: Free Speech and the Internet

On Nov 12, 2020, Ms. Melody Tsai, a practicing lawyer, delivered an insightful presentation entitled "Free Speech and the Internet" as part of AAIA's MS Assembly program which provides learning experiences connected to the ESLOs. The topic was predominantly on netiquette which is essential knowledge for all students as the internet has become an integral part of our everyday life.

Ms. Tsai introduced the court system in Taiwan and the different laws that are applicable to not just cyberbullying but all forms of harassment. Students were then prompted to contemplate on the fine line between freedom of speech and breaking the law. The school is pleased to see the MS students showed great interest in the speech and were very keen on asking questions during the QA session.

As a caring community, AAIA's aims to build a safe environment both online and offline. Much appreciation to Ms. Tsai for instilling an essential sense of responsibility, citizenship, and high character within each MS student.

AAIA於11月12日舉辦了本學期第五次國中集會。這次集會特別邀請到執業律師蔡湘蓁Melody Tsai,蔡律師舉行了專題演講:#自由言論及網路世界,讓國中部學生能更近一步理解跟生活息息相關的網路禮儀。



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