November Birthday Celebration and Awards

AAIA welcomed November by celebrating our November-born lions! Each birthday boy and girl received personalized cakes and chocolate cookies—a boost of energy for our hard-working students. Congratulations to Eudora Tsai for winning the music competition–a stellar example of how AAIA promotes co-curricular activities and growth beyond academics.

AAIA用生日慶祝會迎接十一月份。每個壽星都收到客製化的蛋糕與餅乾,為他們忙碌的學習生活打氣加油!另外,也恭喜十一年級的Eudora Tsai贏得了音樂比賽——為AAIA提倡學術課程外,多多參與課外活動立下了最好的模範。

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