2020-21 Sports Day

Armies of lions roared across the battlefield at AAIA’s annual Sports Day on Saturday, November 14. The epic day began with each house performing a chant. House Demeter stole the show with an entertaining choreographed dance and rap winning the Sportsmanship Award.

Each house sent its finest warriors into a variety of engaging and challenging games such 100 meter, and 400 meter relay, and tug of war. Events such as Tug of War, a favorite of students, tested each house’s strength and teamwork while combining students across grade levels and genders.

Each house also hosted a mini-game including long jump, high jump, frisbee, soccer, and capture the flag. Many students shined by revealing their superhero abilities on the track and field.

While it was House Artemis that claimed the coveted 1st place trophy, each house overcame a variety of challenges and became closer by showcasing their high character by cheering for and supporting their fellow housemates.

Special thanks to all house leaders, teachers, staff, and NTSU for hosting and assisting with each game.

AAIA一年一度的運動會於11月14日(週六)圓滿結束,AAIA全體師生卯足全力參與每項賽事,活動以各家族的隊呼揭開序幕,最後由 Demeter家族精心編排的舞蹈及饒舌表演贏得了精神總錦標。



雖然最終由 Artemis家族榮奪桂冠,但所有家族始終合作無間、克服挑戰,並熱烈地一路為自家成員們歡呼打氣。AAIA相信孩子們當天無不體現著平日師長言之諄諄的向心力與崇高品格。


Photo Credits: 萬仁奎 / Lily Yao 更多照片請看AAIA Facebook

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