Yesterday AAIA celebrated May birthdays and acknowledged our students’ excellent extracurricular performances. Jessie Yeh has been awarded 1st Place under Violoncello IV Open Category at the 13th Zhongsin International Music Competition. Iris Mori has been awarded fifth place under Middle School female category at 2019 New Taipei City Kendo Competition. Henry Chen and Oscar Ning, as a part of HCHS team, were awarded 2019 Rookie All Star Award in SBPLI Long Island Regional at First Robotics Competition and were attending for World Championship in Detroit last week.
We also announced the winners for Street Fair Talent Show:
1st Place: Eille, Gary, Bernardo, Darren for their band performance
2nd Place: Patricia and Christine for their K-Pop dance
3rd Place: Esther, Kitty, Angel and Victoria for K-Pop dance
We are so proud of all of our students and their hard work and we wish all students continued success inside and outside of school.
昨天AAIA除了替五月壽星慶生也褒揚學生們於校外的傑出表現。Jessie Yeh於新加坡中新國際音樂比賽榮獲弦樂大提琴組第一名的殊榮。Iris Mori 於108年新北市劍道錦標賽榮獲國中女子組個人賽第五名。Henry Chen及Oscar Ning參與恆毅FRC(FIRST Robotics Competition)團隊取得台灣區預賽聯盟總冠軍,並在紐約長島區賽贏得新秀獎,也同時晉級在底特律舉辦的世界冠軍盃總決賽。
第一名: Eille, Gary, Bernardo, Darren
第二名: Patricia and Christine
第三名: Esther, Kitty, Angel and Victoria