2019 Street Fair

On Saturday, April 27th, the entire AAIA community gathered to celebrate cultures of the world as part of the third annual Street Fair. The day kicked off with cultural performances for countries across the globe such as Mexico, Ethiopia, and Russia. Parents and students of each grade level hosted booths of delicious ethnic food and interactive activities themed to their respective countries. The grand finale was a talent show featuring eleven student and teacher acts of singing, dancing, and ballet. AAIA greatly appreciates the PTA executive board, representatives, and especially the Class of 2023 for organizing and running this special day.

由家長會策劃主辦的AAIA第三屆園遊會圓滿落幕了! 不同年級的家長及學生們以世界各國特色為攤位主題提供各種豐富的美食及遊戲。當天除了不同國家的文化表演,也有老師及學生帶來的唱歌及跳舞等才藝表演。由衷感謝家長會成員的鼎力贊助,以及八年級的家長們的規劃與執行。

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