January Birthday Celebration and Students’ Outstanding Extra-curricular Achievement

Student Council welcome back our students for the new semester by hosting monthly birthday celebration last week. Each student was treated to delicious Indian cuisine while the Birthday boys and girls got the exotic Indian rice pudding as dessert.

Along with the celebration, AAIA was proud to acknowledge our students’ outstanding extra-curricular achievement including G12 Sofia Su and G11 Kate Tsai’s New Taipei City Student Art Competition Award , G11 Nathan Liu for Calligraphy Award, G9 Victor Wang for IMC Mathematics Competition Award and VEX Robotics Competition Award in TIRT 2019, G6 Austin Chiu for Honorable Mention in Youth Group at TIRT 2019, and MUN students performed outstandingly at KaoHsiung MUN Conference.

We are very proud of these exceptional achievements and will continue to encourage our students while they explore and shine in their fields of passion.


此外,AAIA也藉此機會表揚學生們課外的傑出表現。G12 Sofia Su與G11 Kate Tsai贏得新北市學生美術比賽前三名的優異成績、G10 Nathan於全國書法比賽榮獲高中組甲等獎的成績、G9 Victor Wang獲得IMC國際數學競賽及TIRT全能機器人國際邀請賽殊榮、G6 Austin Chiu也在TIRT全能機器人國際邀請賽青少年組獲得佳績,還有AAIA模擬聯合國學生們也於高雄的會議中表現出眾。


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