4th Annual Christmas Dinner & Winter Concert

On Thursday, December 12, the AAIA community welcomed the winter holiday season at the 4th Annual Christmas Dinner & Winter Concert at the Fullon hotel. Special thanks to the G10 parents who planned, organized the event as well as hosting a festive raffle and games. Students, teachers, staff, and parents celebrated together with the comfort of a filling feast of holiday ham, ribs, and all the trimmings. The evening concluded with a joyous concert directed by Mr. Eibel. The medley of performances were all connected to winter, and with each the students decorated the stage as AAIA fought to bring back the Christmas spirit stolen from the Grinch. This magical evening was a fitting conclusion to the 1st semester, and as such AAIA wishes a happy holiday to all and to all a good winter break!

學期結束前(12/12),AAIA於林口福容飯店舉行了第四屆聖誕節餐會和冬季音樂會。特別感謝G10家長策劃抽獎活動及遊戲。AAIA全體師生、職員及家長們一起享用了美味的聖誕佳餚。餐會後緊接著是由Mr. Eibel所策劃的表演節目。整段演出都圍繞著冬季的主題,也為這學期畫下完美的句點。在此,AAIA祝大家聖誕佳節愉快,並度過一個愉快的寒假!

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