Book Reading Service Learning

An English story time service-learning program, founded by 10th grader Joanne Sung, takes place at LuZhou Library Family Branch to foster local children’s interest in reading English books. The program started December 1st, 2018. It was an enriching experience for both the volunteers and the children. We hope that in the long-term, local children can develop their interest and confidence in reading English books as well as acquiring positive role models from their reading partners in the program. We also hope volunteers can develop empathy for children and improve volunteers' social and communication skills with young children and early teens.

The program will take place every month. If AAIA students are interested in joining, please contact Joanne Sung via email!

AAIA 10年級的Joanne Sung與新北市蘆洲區圖書館合作並發起了"英語共讀志工服務"活動,目的為培養當地小朋友對閱讀英文書籍的興趣。活動已於12月1日正式開始,此服務帶給了AAIA志工學生和小朋友豐富且充實的體驗。AAIA期許"英語共讀"能發展成長遠的計畫,幫助更多小朋友在閱讀英文書籍的過程中找到自信,也可以將他們的共讀夥伴當作學習的對象。同時也希望培養同理心並增進志工學生與年幼孩子的溝通能力。

本項計畫每個月都會進行,如AAIA的學生們有興趣參加,請直接email聯絡Joanne Sung報名。

網站設計: 雲橙工作室