Body temperature measurement system developed by a talented student

As part of COVID-19 prevention, schools are required to take students' body temperatures when they enter the campus. An AAIA student, G9 Bernardo Lin, saw how time consuming this task was for school staff and took upon himself to write a system of code, which can both measure body temperature and register the data into an excel file.

His original device includes a barcode scanner to identify a student's ID code, a 1.3 inch LCD screen to show the temperature and the status on the temperature gun, an IR thermal sensor to measure the temperature, and an Arduino board for coding.

Bernardo has effectively demonstrated AAIA's ESLOs as he selflessly displayed high character while utilizing critical thinking and active learning to contribute as a caring member of the AAIA community. Seeing such intuition, ambition, and ingenuity at a young age, we can all rest assured that the world's future looks brighter thanks to students like Bernardo.

因應政府的防疫措施,學校每天會測量學生的體溫。 AAIA的學生G9 Bernardo Lin看到了這項體溫量測與記錄執行上相對耗時,進而編寫了一套系統,既可以測量體溫,也能直接將數據登錄到excel檔案上。



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