2020 AAIA Spring Musical

Full of mystery and wonder, Alice’s adventures through the looking glass take you on a magical journey you will never forget. Due to the Pandemic, AAIA’s annual spring musical, Through the Looking Glass, has been successfully presented by musical class students via a video. This production was a triumphant display of teamwork and dedication. Special thanks to Dr. Lin, Ms. Shelwell and all of the hardworking students and the supporting staff who made this awesomeness happen. A big congratulations to everyone involved!

一部充滿神秘及幻想的音樂劇-愛麗絲鏡中奇緣帶著觀眾進入一段您無法忘懷的旅程。因為今年疫情的影響, 今年AAIA的音樂劇以錄影的方式呈現,這部影片成功的展現所有參與老師及學生辛苦成果。特別感謝音樂劇總監 Dr. Lin及美術總監 Ms. Shelwell的指導,讓AAIA 表演藝術又更上了一層樓!

Now join this amazing journey on AAIA Official Youtube Channel



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