2024 Lions Speech & Debate Invitational

AAIA held the Lions Speech & Debate Invitational on 11/9 (Saturday). Attending students competed in modified public forum debates, impromptu speaking, as well as persuasive speaking. Over the course of the day, the students engaged with a variety of interesting topics, including the efficacy of standardized testing, exploration of space, value of university education, handling government oversight, and regulating immigration. All students should be proud of the work they put into their speeches on these complex topics. In addition to thanking G12 Austin Lee and G12 Tiger Wu for organizing and facilitating the day’s events, we would also like to congratulate the following students for placing in the speech & debate events:

1st Place in Debate: G11 Moses Chen & G11 Ryan Hsiao
2nd Place in Debate: G11 Winston Sim & G11 Yo-Wayne Chen
3rd Place in Debate: G10 Anca Li & G10 Jazlyn Shen
Special recognition to G7 Erica Tang & G7 Charlene Hsu for being our top scoring MS debate team

1st Place in Impromptu: G11 Sarina Tsai
2nd Place in Impromptu: G7 Aaron Liwanpo
3rd Place in Impromptu: G6 Jasper Hsieh

1st Place in Persuasive: G10 Byron Li
2nd Place in Persuasive: G11 Sarina Tsai
3rd Place in Persuasive: G8 Daisy Tsai

網站設計: 雲橙工作室