"No one has ever become poor by giving." – Anne Frank
At AAIA, we give back by building a community that share a common passion of making the world a better place. As Thanksgiving is approaching, the AAIA Music Department hosted a charity musical performance this morning at the Taoyuan General Hospital. May our love and gratitude travel with the sounds of music in this wonderful holiday season!
「沒有人會因為付出而變得貧窮。」 – Anne Frank
對生命和環境表示尊重、同理並付出關懷是AAIA的四大願景之一。AAIA將於這週三舉辦慈善音樂會, 願我們的愛與感恩之心能夠隨著樂聲縈繞在這個美好的時節!
日期: 2017年11月22日(星期三)
時間: 10am – 11am
地點: 衛生福利部桃園醫院