Spring Musical – Peter Pan

AAIA’s 1st Annual Spring Musical, Peter Pan, was a roaring success, as the entire cast took a packed house on an adventure back to the innocence and adventure of youth. There were swashbuckling pirates, flying fairies, and a scooter-riding crocodile. It was such a joy to see the range of acting, singing, and dancing, and the AAIA community is already pumped to see what Dr. Lin will produce next year!

AAIA首屆春季音樂劇 – 彼得潘的演出大成功!演員們帶領著高朋滿座的觀眾們進行了一場充滿童心的冒險之旅。旅程中碰到恃强凌弱的海盜、優雅飛舞的小精靈以及騎著滑板車的鱷魚。演員們完整的展現優秀的演技、歌唱及舞蹈,讓我們迫不及待期待明年Dr. Lin會帶領著學生們創造出更棒的作品。

Photo Credits: 萬仁煃

網站設計: 雲橙工作室