Field Trip and College List Defense

G6 and G7 lions were having fun on their field trip last Thursday (March 16th). G6 students visited Taiwan’s Socks Museum in Linkou, made their own socks using the hand-cranked knitting machines. G7 students visited the Robot Wonderland in Taoyuan and got the chance of operating an actual robot and experienced related products. 

At the same time, G11 students rehearsed their College List Defense with the G12 students. G11 students each presented three schools, one from Dream, Target, and Safety categories, and talked about what are the reasons why they want to apply to the schools. G12 students actively listened to the presentations and shared their thoughts and opinions in the Q&A session. With the bits of advice from G12 students, G11 students have received guidance and will be able to better structure their college application lists.

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