Before the end of semester, AAIA’s boys basketball team had their final game against seniors and alumni at Linkou Sports Center. While the team put up a good fight, they ultimately fell short to the experience of Nicky Lin and Jerry Yang, losing 64 to 86. Highlight reel performances were given by Felix Su’s 3-point shots, Kevin Hon’s jump shots, and Eric Gulotty’s rebounds and blocks. Tune in next year for another season of exciting basketball! Go Lions!
Also, To wrap up this year, the boy’s basketball team were given awards and rewarded with victory food.
於學期結束前,AAIA男子隊籃球隊首次前往剛剛興建完成的林口運動中心,與高年級學長校友進行學年度最後一場的內部對抗賽。高年級學長們以Nicky Lin與Jerry Yang貢獻了大部分分數,最終學長們以86-64贏得了此次的比賽。
此次比賽中學弟們也有相對出色的表現,Felix Su多次投進3分球避面比分擴大,並且也有抄截的表現;Kevin Hon再次展現他火熱的中距離手感;Eric Gulotty Jr.此次扮演著稱職的內線球員,無論是防守籃板、火鍋組攻與籃下取分都十分出色。
經過此次的挑戰賽相信學弟們一定學習到許多,期望明年新的球季他們能將所學習到展現在球場上,請大家敬請期待! Go Lions!
Most Improved Player – Kitty Tai
Best Sportsmanship – Heidi Huang
Most Hustle Player – Patricia Cheng
Defensive Player of the Year – Victoria Wiese
Most Valuable Player – Christina Hsiung
Excellence in Leadership – Angel Huang
Teammate of the Year – Hanson Chen
Most Improved Player – Louis Huang
Best Sportsmanship – Han Hsu
Most Hustle Player – David Wang
Defensive Player of the Year – Felix Su
Most Valuable Player – Nicky Lin
Excellence in Leadership – Zon Hsu