December Birthday Celebration and Awards

AAIA celebrates December with a birthday celebration and awards recognition, a fantastic way to embrace the end of 2020. Happy birthday to all the December cubs! Remember to stay warm and roar.

Congratulations to students who have gone above and beyond by taking the time to participate in extracurricular activities. Brian Lu and Benjamin Lu won a Bronze medal for the #2020IEYI Virtual Contest. Brain Wang won 2nd place and best work in the New Taipei City Arts Competition in the comics and graphic design category. His comics piece landed best work in the national round. Sofia Chiu brought home a Gold medal for her outstanding performance in the New Taipei City Dance Competition. She also won first place in water painting during the regional competition and best work in the national round. Finally, Kelly Hsu kicked butt in the New Taipei City Wushu Competition and was placed third in the Chinese boxing category. AAIA is proud of all of you!

As the end of the first semester is fast approaching, we would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of our students for their hard work and look forward to their continuing effort.


在此也恭喜所有參加課外比賽的同學們!Brian Lu和Benjamin Lu在發明展中拔得第三名;Brian Wang 的漫畫及平面設計分別在區預賽獲得第二名及佳作,不但如此,漫畫作品更在全國比賽中取得佳作榮譽。 Sofia Chiu則在繪畫與舞蹈都大展天份:舞蹈比賽贏得區域個人第一名,水墨畫比賽則是在區域及全國賽分別拿得第一名及佳作的絕佳表現。最後,我們小小年紀的Kelly Hsu在新北市武術比賽大展身手,個人拳術類摘下銅牌!學校為你們感到非常驕傲!


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