The Innovation Club organized AAIA’s participation in the annual NOVA competition at Taipei American School. Over the course of three days, AAIA students competed with TAS, KAS and DIS students by creating innovative and feasible solutions to pressing world issues. The topics were aligned with AAIA’s Innovation Project from last year as they featured the United Nations Global Goals.

All of the judges unanimously voted for our top two teams during the preliminaries and the final. AAIA is the first school to win the crown from TAS. The 1st place team consisted of Jamie Beach (G11), Shaun Toe (G11), and Nicole Wu (G11). Another AAIA team (Christine Chang (G12),Heidi Huang (G11), Winny Peng (G12), Victoria Wiese (G12), created an eco-friendly water filter, placed within the top 4 overall.

AAIA is proud of all of the students who participated and greatly appreciates the tireless efforts of the Innovation Club sponsors Dr. Argueta and Mr. Staples, as well as the NOVA chaperones Mr. Liu and Ms. Morris, who without them, none of this would be possible. Special thanks also to TAS for hosting the event.

It’s clear to see that the dedication from students, and teachers as well as the curriculum alignment with our ESLOs is paving a bright future for our Lions!


評審們透過匿名投票在預賽和決賽將多數票投給了我們其中的兩支隊伍。 AAIA是第一所從主辦學校TAS手中贏得冠軍的學校。第一名的隊伍成員包括Jamie Beach (G11)、Shaun Toe (G11)和Nicole Wu (G11)。而另一支AAIA隊伍 Christine Chang (G12)、Heidi Huang (G11),Winny Peng (G12)和Victoria Wiese(G12),則是透過設計出環保濾水器,位居前4名。

AAIA對於所有參與的學生都感到驕傲,並非常感謝發明社的指導老師Dr. Argueta以及Mr. Staples,另外也謝謝陪同學生參與比賽的Mr. Liu及Ms. Morris。在此也特別感謝TAS舉辦這麼優秀的活動。


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