Health, Nutrition, Wellness, and Sexual Harassment Prevention

AAIA places top priority on students’ health, nutrition, wellness, and sexual harassment prevention. We offer different services to our students, parents, faculty, and staff to enhance AAIA community life.


Health Center


Our health center is located on the first floor right next to the reception. Ms. Chang is a registered nurse who provides students, parents, faculty, and staff with resources for health safety-related information. Students may see her for an assessment when they feel unwell during school time.

In addition, AAIA adheres strictly to the AAIA Student Accident/Injury Manual for any emergencies (新北華美國際美國學校學生緊急傷病處理辦法) [2024.01.19 updated]

AAIA Student Group Insurance Policy [2023.09.14 updated]

If you have any questions relating to health safety, please contact AAIA (


Food and Nutrition


To keep the school community clean, AAIA orders food from high-quality caterers and vendors who deliver freshly prepared lunch dishes daily. We developed a lunch ordering system, providing students with a great variety of food. Students have the option to sign up for the lunch program and to enjoy food with their friends and classmates.




Not only does AAIA care about students’ physical wellness and academic performance, but students’ mental wellness is equally important to us. AAIA has a full-time Guidance (Social & Emotional) Counselor, Ms. Jade Lee, to provide assistance and resources for all students who are looking to improve their social and emotional wellness. The Wellness office is located on the third floor.

The following services are offered to AAIA students and parents:

  • individual/peer/group counseling
  • parent consultation
  • family counseling
  • screening and outsourcing
  • Appointments can be made in person or via the online booking system


Sexual Harassment Prevention


Sexual Harassment Prevention Act

AAIA Sexual Harassment Prevention Measures 

If you have any concerns, please contact



Guidelines for Preventing and Controlling Seasonal Influenza


Updated January 19th, 2024

Taiwan is currently experiencing a peak of influenza cases, to protect our community and maintain the health of AAIA’s faculty and students, please follow the guidelines:

  1. Students who feel unwell should wear masks, follow medical advice, and rest at home until symptoms are relieved.
  2. Students should not attend school if their body temperature is over 37.5 degrees Celsius.
  3. Establish Good Hygiene Habits 建立良好衛生習慣:
    Wash and dry your hands regularly。勤洗手
    Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing注意手部及呼吸道衛生,並養成咳嗽禮儀。
    Exercise regularly, get enough sleep, and maintain a balanced diet.適度運動、充分睡眠及均衡飲食。
  4. Reporting 通報:In the event that your child is confirmed or suspected to have flu, please inform the school nurse.當貴子弟有確診或疑似流感,請家長主動告知校護,以利通報地方衛生單位,落實監測疫情變化,維護校園內師生健康安全。


General Guidelines


  • All visitors must be signed in at security before entering the school. 所有訪客在進入學校之前必須在警衛室登記。
  • Masks are now optional on campus, but masks will still be “required” while at the health center.口罩於校園裡為自由選擇配戴,但進入健康中心時”必須”配戴口罩。
  • Schools will have the discretion to mandate masks as needed. Students are still required to have a mask at their disposal each day, just in case it is needed. 校方仍有權決定全體口罩配戴的時機。學生仍須自備口罩以備不時之需。
  • It is strongly suggested to wear a mask if anyone has a fever or respiratory symptoms. 如果有發燒或呼吸道症狀,強烈建議戴上口罩保護他人健康。


For more information, please visit  Taiwan CDC website or Education Department, New Taipei City website  


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