WASC Accreditation

It is our honor and privilege to announce that Asia American International Academy, in just its fifth year of operation, is now fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. It is also a great honor that AAIA was bestowed the maximum term of six years, and is therefore accredited through June 30, 2027. To our students, parents, staff, teachers, administrators, and board… thank you!

This accreditation is proof of our caring community’s dedication to student learning, and we will continue to build upon our success as we forge ahead. Throughout the coming year, AAIA will share the focal points of our schoolwide action plan and we will continue to involve all stakeholders as we prepare for our mid-cycle visit in three years.

非常榮幸地宣布,新北美國學校 (AAIA) 在經歷短短五年創校歷程,便取得WASC全面認證!不僅如此,WASC更頒發給AAIA長達6年的認證許可 (最長認證期限)!因此,AAIA的認證有效期限為2027年6月30日!也藉此機會感謝所有學生、家長、教職員及董事會等這幾年來的辛勤付出,致上最高敬意。



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