September 26, 2019 saw the official launch of The Lions Podcast. The Lions Podcast is a Thursday club at Asia American International Academy (AAIA). A small group of students, parents, teachers, and staff will get together weekly to discuss technology and how it affects our society.
The first episode featured G12 Winny Peng, G9 Ryan Hsiao, our Principal Mr. Cravak, and the host Dr. Argueta discussing how smartphone cameras affect our society. This week on October 3rd, we had G11 Jamie Beach, G9 Ellie Huang and Victor Wang, our Curriculum Coordinator Mr. James, and the host Dr. Argueta answering the questions “Should we forgive big geniuses when they show bad conduct?” and “What does ‘ownership’ mean in the digital age”?
The Lions Podcast社團於2019年9月26日正式錄製第一集節目。 他們利用毎周四社團時間聚會,並邀請學生、家長及教職員探討科技及其對社會的影響。
第一集邀請到了G12 Winny Peng、G9 Ryan Hsiao、校長Mr. Cravak先生以及本集主持人Dr. Argueta一起討論智能手機的相機如何影響我們的社會。本周(10/3)則是邀請到G11 Jamie Beach、G9 Ellie Huang和Victor Wang、課程規劃老師Mr. James及主持人Dr. Argueta並探討以下兩個問題:”我們應該因犯錯的對象是天才就原諒他們嗎?”和“數位時代的 ’所有權’ 代表的是什麼意思?”
Listen to The Lions Podcast here 歡迎利用底下連結收聽節目: