Studio Art has been working on charcoal studies, using both additive and reductive techniques. At the end of the unit we held a special exhibition to show the students progress, sketchbook work and their final composition accompanied by an artist statement. The students were present to share and discuss their work while staff and students came around to check out their amazing work! Congratulations on completing the first drawing unit!
高中美術課(Studio Art) 近期正在練習使用炭筆並運用技巧繪圖。炭筆單元的最後,美術課學生舉辦了一場特別的展覽,展示每位學生的素描本及其最終作品,此外也包含藝術家個人自述。學生們與前來參觀的教職員及同學們分享出色的作品!恭喜美術課學生們完成第一個繪畫單元!