The AAIA Model United Nations Club hosted its Second Annual New Taipei Model United Nations Conference (NTMUN II) from November 4-5. In keeping with this year’s conference theme, “An Enlightened World: Wheels of Progress,” our dedicated MUN team and wonderful participants came together to make this event an inspiring showcase of diplomacy, debate, and global awareness.
While attending committee sessions in the General Assembly, Security Council, Historical Security Council, and Human Rights Council, NTMUN II was filled with engaging discussions, inspiring resolutions, and a true spirit of international cooperation.
A special thank you to the secretariat members G12 Sophia Wu, Hugo Chiang, Nelson Tai, and G11 Tammy Hsu for working so hard to make our conference successful. Also, thank you to all participating schools and delegates for your active involvement. We look forward to seeing you again next year at NTMUN III!