Potluck PTA Meeting (Pre)

Please show your support of AAIA by attending our next PTA meeting on Wednesday, October 26th at 7:00-8:30PM.

The meeting will be a “Potluck Dinner” meeting. Each family is recommended to bring their family “specialty” and share it with the group. This will be a great opportunity to mingle and visit with other AAIA parents and discuss the PTA role.

請家長們於十月二十六日 (周三) 晚上7點至8:30,務必抽空到校參加家長會會議。當日會議將會以‘聚餐’方式進行。請每家庭選擇性提供一道招牌菜餚帶來與大家分享,也利用此會議,認識其他家長們,共同討論家長會在學校的角色及責任。

網站設計: 雲橙工作室