AAIA is honored to have hosted Ms. Priscillia Lin, the author of Road to Harvard, as our guest speaker for Thursday, January 19th, 2017. During her informative session, she shared her experiences in parenting while guiding her three outstanding children to enrollment at Harvard. AAIA thanks our parents for participating in this meaningful event and hopes all have benefited from it!
AAIA首度的親子教育座談已於本週四,1月19日 圓滿落幕。我們非常榮幸地邀請到“哈佛之路”作者 林瑞瑜 來與家長們交流親子溝通與升學輔導。AAIA感謝家長們的參與也希望此次別具意義的活動為大家帶來了啟發!