NIFTy Competition

The AAIA Speech & Debate team had a great time at the NIFTy speech tournament held at IBST at National Nanke International Experimental High School in Tainan. G9 Arvin competed well in Editorial Commentary and Impromptu speaking, as did G7 Veronica, G8 Lillian, and G8 Justin in Junior Varsity Debate. The Varsity Debate team made up of G12 Alvin, G12 Wilson, and G10 Jamie won 2nd place. Jamie also won 3rd place for debate speaking. It was a fun tournament filled with great performances and people. Well done, Lions!

AAIA辯論社三月初到台南參加了國立南科國際實驗高級中學所舉辦的NIFTy辯論與演說競賽。G9 Arvin在社論評論及即興演說中表現優異,國中代表隊的G7 Veronica, G8 Lillian及G8 Justin亦於辯論中將實力完整發揮。其中由G12 Alvin, G12 Wilson跟G10 Jamie組成的高中代表隊獲得了辯論第二名的殊榮,另外G10 Jamie也於辯論項目取得第三名的亮眼成績。恭喜所有參賽學生和指導老師!

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