May Birthday Celebration and Students’ extracurricular achievements

This week, AAIA celebrated the birthdays of May-borns with delicious burgers, marking for them the start of another wonderous year to come. The school also proudly presented the following students for their exceptional extracurricular achievements:
-G8 Jessie Yeh for receiving excellence award in Cello Category at National Music Competition.
-G6 Austin Chiu for winning silver medal with artwork "Future Tech City" and bronze medal with invention "Smart Pet House" at the 2020 International Exhibition for Young Inventors.
-G7 Sofia Chiu for being awarded Bronze Medal with artwork "New World Star People" also at the 2020 International Exhibition for Young Inventors.
Keep up the good work!
-G8 Jessie Yeh於全國音樂比賽中獲得大提琴獨奏優等獎。
-G6 Austin Chiu於2020年世界青少年發明展上憑藉 “Future Tech City” 畫作獲得銀牌以及 “Smart Pet House ”發明獲得銅牌。
-G7 Sofia Chiu於2020年世界青少年發明展上透過 “New World Star People” 畫作榮獲銅獎。
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