The AAIA community is excited for the upcoming holidays! With Christmas just around the corner, our dedicated parents have taken a big chunk of their valuable time to help us decorate the school. It was no easy task setting up this 10 foot tall giant Christmas tree! A big round of applause goes to Ms. Jeslyn Huang (G9 Wesley Shiao's mom), Ms. Tina Wang (G9 Brandon Tsai's mom), Ms. Wenwen Yang (G9 Nelson Tai's mom), and AAIA PTA President, Mr. Kevin Hsiung for their time and help. Thank you for making AAIA campus so festive!
AAIA為即將來臨的佳節感到非常開心。聖誕節的腳步近了,我們的學生家長也從他們忙碌的生活裡騰出時間協助學校佈置佳節氛圍!非常感謝10年級Christina、12年級Bella姊妹的爸爸(也是我們家長會會長)、9年級Wesley Shiao的媽媽,9年級Brandon Tsai的媽媽,以及9年級Nelson Tai的媽媽抽空來幫忙,讓學校換上聖誕節歡樂氣息的衣裳。
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