AAIA will be hosting the Leadership Training Summit from Global Leadership Organization this summer. The summit is a two-day, MBA-style boot camp that trains working professionals, college students, and high school students on 4 crucial skills not traditionally taught at school:
1) Project Management
2) Meeting Management
3) People Management
4) Communication & Public Speaking
Don't miss the chance to learn and apply leadership skills taught by the GLO counselor team from Google, Uber, Columbia, UC Berkeley, and University of Pennsylvania! If you are interest to participate, please register below or contact AAIA Summit Director: Winny Peng via winny.peng@gloleadership.org
▶ Summit Logistics ◀
》07/06/19 (Sat.) – 07/07/19 (Sun.) | 8:30AM – 6:00 PM Both Days
▶ Register Now ◀
AAIA今年暑假將舉行為期兩天的全球領袖組織的領袖高峰會. 在為期兩天的全球領袖高峰會中,我們專注於培養社會人士、大學生及高中生以下 4 種技能:
1) 專案管理
2) 會議管理
3) 人力資源管理
4) 溝通及公開演說
不要錯過來自Google, Uber, 哥倫比亞大學, 加州大學柏克萊分校及賓州大學的講師. 若您或您的孩子有興趣報名參加,請由下方的連結報名或是與本次高峰會活動負責人Winny Peng聯絡(winny.peng@gloleadership.org)
▶ 高峰會時間 ◀
》07/06/19 (星期六) – 07/07/19 (星期日) | 8:30AM – 6:00PM (兩天)
▶ 報名連結 ◀