AAIA's 1st College and Career Readiness information session was held on the evening of Jan 11, 2017. Topics addressed included: college entrance testing and preparation, our advisory program, a curriculum overview (electives and AP), graduation requirements and alternative graduation routes. AAIA is in great appreciation of our parents' willingness to attend this informative event and believes this joint effort will continue to improve the AAIA community for the benefit of all students.
AAIA於2017年的1月10日舉辦了第一次的升學說明會。會程涵蓋的內容包括了升學考試的介紹與準備,升學與輔導規劃,選修與AP課程的設計,基礎畢業門檻與不同畢業學程的安排。我們誠摯地感謝家長們的參與, 也相信AAIA會在大家共同的努力下更卓越。