For the second year in a row, AAIA accepted the invitation to compete the CICERO policy debate tournament hosted by the Ministry of Education and WEGO Bilingual High School. The returning team of Winny Peng, Christine Chang, and Patricia Cheng showed commendable improvement in debating the resolution “that the Taiwanese government should legalize the use of private cars for commercial ridesharing.” After a divided ballot in the first round, AAIA decisively won their second round against Taipei First Girls High School. We are all so proud of the Speech & Debate team’s accomplishments and look forward to their continued improvement.
今年(12/9)是AAIA第二次受邀參加由教育部及薇閣雙語高級中學主辦的CICERO高中英文辯論賽。這次是由十年級的Winny Peng, Christine Chang以及Patricia Cheng代表參賽並在“台灣政府修法開放私人轎車營業載客"的議題上展現出訓練的成果進而擊敗了強勁對手。AAIA對於學生們的進步感到非常的驕傲,也期許他們未來繼續努力取得更好的成績。