CCR Workshop – Activity List

CCR hosted its third workshop of the year at the end of February, as Dr. Chen presented students and parents with vital information on how colleges evaluate students’ activity lists. In addition, participants engaged in activities where they acted as college admission boards and evaluated sample activity lists. To close out the workshop, representatives from Prepmasters Institute shared insight into standardized testing and how to best prepare for the SAT and ACT.

升學輔導中心於二月底舉行了第三次的升學講座。主講人陳博士與學生和家長們分享了如何撰寫出申請大學時的活動清單,教導學生們在表單中展現出最獨特的自己。此外,陳博士也提供了不同類型的活動清單當做例子,讓學生和家長們一同討論。在講座尾聲,Prepmasters機構的負責人與大家解說關於SAT / ACT的相關資訊,並對於該如何準備大考的方法做了意見分享。

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