Basketball Game (Away – TPCA)

AAIA girls basketball team delivered a promising performance in their debut game. Both teams’ back-and-forth tussle persisted for the first three quarters, but the opposition prevailed towards the end and won by 8 points.

AAIA boy basketball team came back from a dominating victory in their second road game, with a point-difference of 34 points.

Stay tuned next week as both Boys’ and Girls’ Basketball Team face DIS on home court. Go Lions!


AAIA 男子籃球隊昨日發揮實力並在本學期的第二場客場比賽以大比數獲勝(勝分34分);期望下週(11/6)在主場面對上回僅以2分險勝的道明國際學校時AAIA男籃可以再次充分展現團隊合作與態度,贏得本學期的主場首勝!

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