For the Middle School, the second semester kicked off with “entrepreneurship” in mind. During 3 exciting and action-packed afternoons (Jan 5-7), the students participated in the second annual Lion’s Lair Startup Competition. During the event, 16 teams used all their creativity to develop a business idea to tackle a given issue. This year the theme was “Improving Health and Well-Being”. Four amazing ideas emerged from the different rooms in which teams were working at full speed. The 4 teams then battled for the crown at the Lion’s Den (Rm. 401) where an excited crowd was cheering and having fun. Although only one team won the final crown, truly all our Lions are Critical Thinkers, Active Learners, Effective Communicators, and Global Citizens.
Here are the four brilliant ideas on green living and health and well-being
Exersleep – Make your body balance
A smart APP that calculates the time you sleep and suggests actions for better sleep quality. It also measures the amount of daily water intake and provides nutritional recommendations. This APP focuses on sleep quality to ensure users stay on top of their sleep patterns and stay healthy!
Accentus – The stress squish ball
A multi-function stress ball that connects to your smartphones via Bluetooth and measures your stress level! You can squish the ball like an ordinary stress ball, not only does it relieve your stress, it also calculating your stress level by measuring the squeeze strength and your BP+HR. Finally, it sends info to your phone, provides suggestions for relaxing, and plays different soothing musing depending on your stress level!
EcoPurfit – Air Purifier Powered by Food Waste
To turn the food waste into energy that can power the air purifier, our little lions propose to put the food waste into an anaerobic digester, which will produce biogas. The biogas will then produce energy or electricity that will then power the air purifier attached to the machine! Brilliant!
TrashBricks – Providing affordable housing while keeping oceans clean
By working with ocean trash into sturdy and cheap cleaning companies, the team proposes to turn ocean trash into sturdy and eco-bricks! These bricks (10 cents/peer) are then used to build affordable housing! Solves two issues with one brick!
上星期的國中集會讓全校國中生分組集思廣益,想出對健康、環境有益處的新創產品。四組同學晉級到了最後階段,一分高低!關注身心靈健康的兩組同學分別推出了Exerslepp睡眠偵查APP以及Accentus壓力球。前者記錄使用者所有睡眠狀態並提供更好的舒眠技巧:後者則是偵測使用者的壓力值並且藉由連結至手機即時播放舒壓歌曲! 另外兩組同學則針對地球環境保護提出了綠色方案。一組同學規劃了使用廚餘發電的EcoPurfit空氣清晰機!第四組同學則是提出了保護海洋計畫,將海洋垃圾轉為Trash bricks新型磚,打造更經濟的友善住宅。
See AAIA Facebook for more photos.