Thanks to numerious prospective parents' participation, our information session at Asia American International Academy campus on May 20th was of great success. AAIA offers a state-of-the-art curriculum immersed in American culture and college readiness. For campus tour or more detail, please call us at (02)2606-9030 ext 120. Your student's future begins now, with us, at AAIA.
開啟國際視野 許您孩子一個與世界接軌的未來!新北美國學校採用加州學制課程標準,小班制精緻化教學,激發學生的潛能與創造力。AAIA於5月20日舉辦的招生說明會已完美落幕,感謝各方家長們的熱烈響應。預約平日校園參觀或諮詢請來電 (02)2606-9030 ext 120。