2023 AAIA Christmas Dinner

The 1st semester of the 2023-2024 academic year ended with a wonderful Christmas dinner. AAIA Lions, parents, faculty, and staff gathered to celebrate Christmas and create collective memories. Enjoyed the cuisine and performances presented by Lions, highly appreciate their effort. The Christmas dinner concluded with the lucky draw.

We want to propose a vote of thanks to AAIA Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) for hosting, and CENTURION (百夫長), FWUSOW INDUSTRY (福壽實業), SIX COMPANIONS FABRIC (陸友纖維), BIOZYME(大漢酵素), ACE MOTORS(奧迪北區), SEA MILD BIOTECH(清淨海), HAI REI FOODS (海瑞食品), HOLD MIND COFFEE (赫曼咖啡), COSMOS HOTELS & RESORTS(天成飯店), IGOLF (劉依貞高爾夫學院), FOSITEK(富世達) and FUNWOO (德載國際不動產) for their generous sponsors! 

See you all at next year’s AAIA Christmas dinner!

網站設計: 雲橙工作室