2021 AAIA Street Fair

The AAIA PTA-sponsored street fair on Saturday, April 24 was a big success! We had more than 600 visitors including people from the Linkou community. The school would like to thank AAIA PTA for all of its time and effort in organizing this event. We would also like to thank our corporate sponsors: Meraki, Contin, and Adata, and volunteers who made this event possible by donations and generously offering the Lucky Draw prizes. Our students put on some amazing talent shows and the performances were enhanced by the guests from the Chang Gung Health & Culture Village and RE YOUNG dance group.

The school was delighted to have Director Chang of the New Taipei City Education Bureau present during the fair to give the audience welcoming and warm remarks. Director Chang encouraged AAIA to continue to deepen the connections with the local community as a good and strong education system requires nutrients from different sources. As an international school, AAIA brings a different perspective and element to the greater education fabrics of New Taipei City.

Once again, the fair could not have been this successful without all the support from the AAIA family and the larger community. We look forward to next year’s fair.

在AAIA 家長會的籌辦下,2021年度園遊會於上週六(4月24日)圓滿落幕。此次活動吸引林口當地超過600人次前來共襄盛舉。感謝此次活動的贊助廠商:Meraki、康庭環衛及ADATA的慷慨支持和義工及家長的協助與幫忙,配合豐富的摸彩環節獎項,令本屆園遊會如此成功。園遊會當中的節目表演,更因為有長庚養生村及RE YOUNG舞團的嘉賓演出,讓活動節目更添光彩。


再一次感謝各方的支持,讓AAIA 2021年度園遊會,圓滿成功。

Visit AAIA’s Facebook for more photos.


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