2021 AAIA Charity Concert

Every year, AAIA’s orchestra connects with local communities and hosts a charity concert to share love through music. It has been an AAIA tradition since 2017.

This year, the AAIA orchestra went to Jinshan elementary school and enjoyed a wonderful morning with students and teachers from Jin Shan.

Thanksgiving is all about gathering with loved ones and we are grateful that Jinshan elementary school has provided the venue and time to have us so that the thanksgiving spirit can be shared.

把迪士尼金曲帶到偏鄉 新北美國學校感恩節赴金山國小送暖 (自由)

新北美國學校感恩節慈善音樂會 金山演奏迪士尼金曲(中時)

新北美國學校校際交流 到金山國小辦暖暖感恩節音樂會(聯合)

美國學校前進偏校辦感恩音樂會 迪士尼金曲「灌醉」師生 (蘋果新聞)https://tw.appledaily.com/local/20211125/7ABWJZMBXREDPIQVFHI3LKYUOY/

網站設計: 雲橙工作室