2020 Charity Concert

Thanksgiving is an important American traditional holiday. Every year, the AAIA community decorates the school and prepares a delicious Thanksgiving turkey feast. This year, in addition to the traditional events, we celebrate the holiday by running a Food Drive to collect non-perishable items so that they can be donated to the communities in need.

On November 25th, AAIA Orchestra, led by Dr. Lin, headed to the rural area of New Taipei City–Pingxi, to host a charity concert. The concert was joined by 5 local elementary schools with over 210 audiences. The Orchestra performed a series of Disney music to entertain the children and even gave a Thanksgiving skit so students from a different culture could understand Thanksgiving's origin and meaning.

As a caring community, AAIA encourages students to extend the caring to people and communities around them. With kind hearts, together, we build a better future.




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