2020-21 AAIA Boy Basketball Team (vs. GCA)

The boy basketball team headed to Nangang Sports center in September to play against Grace Christian Academy. Both the varsity and JV teams came away with a victory. Varsity's Felix Su was the high scorer while Eric Gulotty pulled down the lion's share of rebounds. The final score was 37-19. Kevin Hon and Jason Kao lead the JV team in scoring with the help of Stephen Shea's dominating rebounding performance. The final score was 38-21.

The next boy basketball game is taking place next Tuesday on Oct. 6th. Please stay in tune with our Facebook live stream.

AAIA的男子籃球校隊於9月中前往南港體育中心與Grace Christian Academy進行2020學年度第一場友誼賽。開學以來的集訓果然讓校隊大展身手,在Eric Gluotty強固的籃板防守支援下,Felix Su為團隊贏得高分,以37比19得到勝利。第二場男子藍球隊比賽,Kevin Hon以及Jason Kao聯手奪分,在Stephen Shea精彩的搶籃板防護下,以38-21為團隊摘下勝利。更多精彩照片請看臉書

下一場比賽將會在10月6日舉行,屆時邀請大家透過臉書直播為AAIA Lions加油!

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