【Alumni Stories】An Interview with Alvin Yao (Class of 2019): Wondrous Words of Wisdom

As AAIA marches proudly into its ninth year, many of our alumni have begun graduating from college, becoming accomplished global citizens and trailblazers in their respective fields. One such distinguished fellow Lion is Alvin Yao of the Class of 2019, who is part of AAIA’s very first graduating class and is currently pursuing a master’s […]
Charity Activity with Help the Elderly Organization (HEO)3

On Sunday, August 25, 2024, Help the Elderly Organization collaborated with AAIA Spanish teacher Mr. Mejia to sing the Spanish alphabet and make piñatas with the elderly at Yang Ming Retirement Place. We want to show our appreciation to the following students and teacher for their kindness and effort, this is the list of volunteers: […]
2024 Summer Service Learning in Hualien

G11 student Sean Shen is the founder and leader of the Service Learning Group, Love in Hualien International Youth Volunteer Group, which was founded three years ago. The group aims to support and provide care for the community in Hualien. Since 2021, they have participated in various works, from building roads to caring for individuals […]
2024 August-born Lions Birthday

There is a tradition of AAIA to hold a small party during lunch to celebrate the birth of the lions, during which birthday boys and girls receive cartoon cookies and drinks as their birthday gifts. We celebrated August-born Lions’ birthday on the first day of school, August 6th (Tuesday), birthday boys and girls received warm […]
Academic Year 2024-2025 Welcome Back Orientation

August 6th (Tuesday) was a big day, the first school day of Academic Year 2024-2025. Faculty and staff eagerly anticipated the start of the new school term and worked hard to prepare a supportive learning environment for all students. Welcome back orientation was held and it started with a warm greeting from our principal, Ms. […]