Charity Activities with Help the Elderly Organization (2)

On Thursday, June 20, Help the Elderly Organization made picture frames with the elderly at Linkou Ren Ai Retirement Place. Also on Friday, July 19, Help the Elderly Organization invited talented individuals from AAIA to perform for the elderly at Yang Ming Retirement Place. G9 Morris Huang, FiFi Liu and Alicia Tsai, G11 Sarina Tsai, […]
Charity Activities with Help the Elderly Organization

AAIA Lions have continually collaborated with charity organizations, showcasing the high character of integrity, respect, and a strong sense of responsibility. G11 students, Sarina Tsai and Emirate Chen organized charity activities from April to June that collaborated with Help the Elderly Organization (HEO), a non-profit volunteer organization that hosts events to bond with elders and […]
2024 Australia Study Tour

The Australia Study Tour from June 1st to 15th provided Lions fantastic opportunities to explore the country’s rich cultural heritage and enrich their study experience under an immersive English learning environment. Lions stayed with the homestay families and made meaningful connections with the locals, offering them unique insights into Australian life. They attended classes at […]